
•Please submit your manuscripts electronically.

•The file name should contain the reporter’s name and institution (e.g., PerevalovaISTP.doc).

•The text should start with the report title. Surnames and initial letters of authors’ names should be presented in the second line (font: Times New Roman Cyr, 12 pt).

•Then follow the full name of institution (not abbreviation), city, country, and one author’s e-mail.

•Each manuscript must include an abstract and keywords (font: Times New Roman Cyr, 10 pt).

•The manuscript, including an abstract, figures, and tables must not exceed ten A4 pages (for lecturers and invited papers) and five A4 pages (for young scientists’ reports)

•All reports must be in English, MS Word format, .doc or .docx file extension. A4 paper size, 2-cm margins all around. Font: Times New Roman Cyr, 12 pt. One-and-a-half spacing. MathType and MS Word must be used to create equations. Section headings should be in bold type.

•Figures should be attached separately in BMP, JPG, TIF or PNG file format. They also should be in the text and have captions (no period is used after a caption). The text should contain references to figures. Blank lines should be left between figures and the text.

• All tables must be titled and numbered consecutively. They also should be referenced in the text. When necessary, font in tables can be reduced to 8 pt. Single spacing and blank lines should be left between tables and the text.

•References should be cited in the text in square brackets (e.g., [Ivanov, 2010а], [Ivanov, Petrov, 2015], [Ivanov et al., 1998], []]).

•Reference list should be given at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, starting from the first author’s name (font: Times New Roman Cyr, 12 pt, single spacing). Reference lists in Russian and English go first; then follows the reference list for Internet sources.

Examples of reference lists:


  1. Blacmon M.L., Lee Y.-H., Wallace J.M. Horisontal structure of 500 mb height fluctuations with long, intermediate and short time scales // J. Atmos. Sci. 1984. V. 41, iss. 6. P. 961–979.
  2. Horel J.D. A Rotated Principal Component Analysis of the Interannual Variability of the Northern Hemisphere 500 mb Height Field // Mon. Wea. Rev. 1981. V. 109, N 10. P. 2080 – 2092.
  3. Hunsucker R.D., Hargreaves J.K. The High-Latitude Ionosphere and Its Effects on Radio Propagation. Cambridge University Press, 2003. P. 477–482.
  4. Hunsucker R.D., Rose R.B., Adler R.W., Lott G.K. Auroral-E mode oblique HF propagation and its dependence on auroral oval position // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 1996. V. 44, N 3. Р. 383–388.
  5. Pirog O.M., Urbanovich V.D., Zherebtsov G.A. Effects of substorms in the night auroral E-region // 5th International Conference on Substorms: Abstr. St.-Petersburg, 2000. P. 545–547.
  6. Rodger A.S., Morrell C., Dudney J.R. Studies of sporadic E (Es) associated with the main ionospheric trough // Radio Sci. 1983. V. 18, N 6. P. 937–946.
  7. URL:

Please send your manuscripts to Irina Yakovleva: